Energy Overview

Earth is home to a multitude of energy transformations. Even in our daily lives, we continuously convert various forms of energy, guaranteeing ourselves a wide range of services. In its most basic definition, energy is a body’s ability to complete a job ...


Natural Gas

The history of natural gas as a source of energy is relatively recent: between the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Europe and North America began to see an expansion in technology for transporting natural gas from the wells to areas of consumption, even at a great distance: LNG carriers, gas pipelines and methane pipelines ...


Gas and sustainable Development

The quality of energy available and used by the world’s population is a determining factor for socio-economic development and the environmental problems tied to pollution and global warming. Comparative analyses of data clearly show that an extensive use of quality energy (highly efficient, low emissions, etc.)...


The WORLD of Gas

World of Gas

Global Pipeline Network

Around the world the trade in natural gas is still predominately local in nature. Approximately 70% of all natural gas consumed globally is produced in the same country as where it is consumed, while 30% is traded. Existing pipeline capacity and trade is largely concentrated in the established gas markets of Europe and North America. More than two-thirds of global cross-border pipeline capacity is concentrated in Europe, both providing imports from CIS countries and North Africa and providing intra-regional connections. A further 12% of capacity connects the North American markets of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Natural gas logistics infrastructure economics vary according to capacity and distance. Pipeline transport is most efficient way to carry large volumes of gas over shorter distances. LNG transport is best for small-to-medium volumes over longer distances, or for moving stranded gas to distant markets.

Learn more
  • Snam, Global Gas Report 2017